Animals Nature Self-Improvement TDY Uncategorized Wildlife

Be Kind to Animals (Day 4 of 30)

Today, after the game, I was walking into the hotel and was met by the resident cat. As he sat there, he gladly accepted pats on the head. When I passed through the door, one of the front desk workers was headed out to feed the little furball.

I don’t know the cat’s story or how he came to live at the hotel. Does this cat enjoy all the activity that comes with staying at a hotel? What else is this cat experience living a feral but cared for life.

The cat has seemed pretty sweet and adjusted each time I have seem it. I have dealt with feral cats before. The ones that didn’t know or like humans. I felt sad for these cats that had never enjoyed the petting of a human or a spot on the bed.

This is a short post. I think next time I go to the store I will get some cat treats.

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