What a year 2016 has been. I mean Wow!
So much happened this year. I traveled places, saw things, went to concerts, and a look back through my Instagram feeds makes me realize just how much went on over the last 12 months.
So I am going to share a project here are my 12 favorite photos (and technically, 1 video),one from each month. All photos were either with a Olympus OMD-EM5II, TG-860, or the good-old, always handy, iPhone.

January in Glacier Park is a great time of year to enjoy the winter activities and far fewer tourists. I like to snowshoe and cross-country ski. I captured this imagine on the way into the park for some cross-country skiing. While frigid, I find the mountains around here beautiful with snow.

February in Florida is also a nice time of year for the same reason as Glacier in January, far fewer tourists. While there for the Daytona 500, I also took some time to enjoy the beaches.

As winter comes to a close, the wildlife start to be seen more and more. This mule deer was looking for food on a hillside.

This was my first time visiting the city of Seattle. I had gone for a concert, and saw a lot of the touristy parts of the city. While fun to explore, I really do enjoy my small town mountain life.

Nothing much more to say about this moose than they are massive creatures.

Sunsets really light up in Montana.

Sometimes being stuck at a rail yard can be disregarded for a short-lasting rainbow.

Back to Glacier Park. The abundance of waterfalls really is something to enjoy. A little hike and this one is really accessible to most everyone. The only difficult part? Finding a parking spot.

I was lucky enough to take a trip to San Diego this year. The beaches were lovely, sunsets amazing, and I just enjoy the sights and sounds of the ocean. Again though, a big city that I could not wait to get home from.

October starts the beginning to frost, fall, and colder weather. The frost on this leaf really caught my eye. Such perfect crystals had formed and the leaf still had good color.

I started to do more with video this year. Here is one shot from a longer video. You can see the whole short here:

Now is the time for drinking a lot of warm drinks by the fire and enjoy the Christmas tree one last time.
That is it for 2016. May 2017 be an even better year, although I cannot really complain about 2016. It was pretty great!
I hope your year and 2017 will be just as great.