Monocular- A monocular is for one eye use. That is what the mono means in fact; one. This could fall into an everyday carry category. A monocular is simple, compact, and…
30 Day Adventure Aircraft Challenge GoPro Minimalism Review TDY Travel Uncategorized
Field Trip (Day 8 of 30)
Today I took a trip away from the hotel to Corpus Christi. The drive was over two hours away and well worth it. The mission was to check out the aircraft…
30 Day Challenge Change How to Self-Improvement TDY Travel Uncategorized
Procrastination (Day 7 of 30)
Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. -Mark Twain When on TDY, I have usually worked swing…
Do you listen to audiobooks or read? Do you like podcasts? When I was on the road a lot, I listened to a lot of podcasts. I would often be in…
One of my favorite things to cook with? Cast Iron. Cast iron, once seasoned, is a great kitchen tool. It can go from stovetop to oven. Sear a steak, cook bacon,…
When living in a hotel, it is easy to see how little you need to live, both in space and in things. This type of living leaves a person with few…
I am back in south Texas for another go round of what appears to be a never ending thing… at least for another three years. I hate traveling anymore. My last…