Monocular- A monocular is for one eye use. That is what the mono means in fact; one. This could fall into an everyday carry category. A monocular is simple, compact, and…
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30 Day Adventure Aircraft Challenge GoPro Minimalism Review TDY Travel Uncategorized
Field Trip (Day 8 of 30)
Today I took a trip away from the hotel to Corpus Christi. The drive was over two hours away and well worth it. The mission was to check out the aircraft…
This year I chose to read everyday for a New Year’s Resolution. I enjoy reading a wide variety of topics. After getting my first Kindle several years back, I have built…
What is digiscoping you might ask? Well it comes from using a digital camera on a optic, often times a spotting scope, digital scoping or digiscoping. Now this takes a special…