Monocular- A monocular is for one eye use. That is what the mono means in fact; one. This could fall into an everyday carry category. A monocular is simple, compact, and…
How to
30 Day Challenge Change How to Self-Improvement TDY Travel Uncategorized
Procrastination (Day 7 of 30)
Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. -Mark Twain When on TDY, I have usually worked swing…
One of my favorite things to cook with? Cast Iron. Cast iron, once seasoned, is a great kitchen tool. It can go from stovetop to oven. Sear a steak, cook bacon,…
This is a brief post about some things I have found really helpful while traveling. An iPad is a great substitute for a full laptop for most of us. Really, you…
What is digiscoping you might ask? Well it comes from using a digital camera on a optic, often times a spotting scope, digital scoping or digiscoping. Now this takes a special…
Last week was the worst experience with air travel I have ever had, and I have had some whoppers; lost bookings, rebooking, missing one flight so the rest of the reservation…
Birds offer a great subject for those wanting a challenge for expanding your photography skills. Birds are fast, alert, and reflect light. While fur on mammals tends to absorb light, a…